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04.04.2016, 10:46
Демонстрационный вариант диагностической работы для 6 класса.
Пояснения (для учителя).
Прежде чем прочитать текст для аудирования, учитель должен
сделать небольшое вступление по-русски:
«Сейчас я прочитаю рассказ о Хосе. Вы должны найти неверное
слово в каждом утверждении и заменить его правильным словом.
Я прочитаю текст 2 раза. Во время первого чтения выполните
задания, во время второго проверьте себя.
Сейчас у вас есть 1 минута для того, чтобы познакомиться с
заданиями по аудированию. Пожалуйста, не читайте задания других
разделов диагностической работы (пауза 1 минута)».
Читать текст для аудирования необходимо в нормальном темпе,
соблюдая соответствующую интонацию.
После первого прочтения необходимо дать учащимся 30 секунд,
чтобы они могли выполнить задания. («У вас есть 30 секунд, чтобы
выполнить задания 1-5 (пауза 30 секунд)»)
Затем текст прочитывается ещё раз. После этого учащимся дается
ещё 30 секунд, чтобы они могли проверить правильность выполнения
«У вас есть 30 секунд, чтобы проверить, правильно ли вы
выполнили задания 1-5 (пауза 30 секунд). Пожалуйста, приступайте к
выполнению заданий по чтению, грамматике и письму».
Далее учащиеся выполняют задания диагностической работы в
индивидуальном режиме.
Аудиотекст (читает учитель)
Hello! My name is Jose. I am from Spain but now I am in England. It is my
fourth week in England and my third week at this English school. It is winter
and the weather is colder than in Spain. It is also windy and cloudy. I am happy
because my father's friend Mr. Smith has got a son who is my age. John Smith
is funny and really cool. We walk to school together every morning at eight
o'clock. It takes us 10 minutes. Classes start at half past eight so we have time
to talk to some of our friends. Today is Wednesday. My first class is Food
Technology and we are making pizza. I am happy because I like it. The
teacher's name is Ms Taylor and she is very kind but I prefer my Art teacher,
Mr. Miller. I have three hours of art lessons every week, on Mondays,
Thursdays, and Fridays. This term we are making models of our houses. My
final class today is French. I'm very good at languages and I love English best
of all.
Прослушайте рассказ и прочитайте высказывания 1–5. ОДНО слово в
каждом высказывании НЕВЕРНОЕ. Замените его верным словом.
Перенесите ответы в бланк тестирования.
It is Jose's fifth week in England. __________________
The weather is sunny and windy in England. __________________
Jose is cooking spaghetti at his first class today. __________________
Jose has Art classes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. __________________
Jose studies English and Spanish. __________________
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 6–10. Обведите номер
правильного варианта ответа и запишите этот номер в бланк
The Anglo-Saxons
The Anglo-Saxons lived in Britain many years ago.
They first tried to occupy Britain in the 4th century, but the Ancient
Romans were quick to send them home again. In AD 450, when the last Roman
soldiers left Britain, the Anglo-Saxons came in ships across the North Sea.
The Anglo-Saxons didn't like the stone houses and streets left by the
Romans, so they built their own villages. They looked for land which had lots
of natural resources like food, water and wood to build and heat their homes,
and Britain's forests had everything they needed. They built a high fence
around each village to protect cattle from wild animals like foxes and wolves,
and to keep out their enemies, too.
The biggest house in the village belonged to the chief. The house was
large enough for him and all his soldiers – and sometimes even the oxen. The
house had a long hall with a stone fire in the middle. There were tiny windows
and a hole in the roof to allow smoke to escape.
Early Anglo-Saxon villages were named after the leader of the tribe so
everyone knew who their chief was, for example, Redda's village.
Everyone in Anglo-Saxons villages had to work very hard to grow their
food, make their clothes. Children collected firewood and fed farm animals.
The Anglo-Saxons did not destroy all Roman cities, though. Some chiefs
realized that a walled city was a great fortress, so they built their wooden
houses inside the walls of Roman towns like London.
The Anglo-Saxons were great craft workers. They made jewellery,
musical instruments and homemade toys and games. They were also keen on
telling stories and playing the lyre, a musical instrument.
The Anglo-Saxon period lasted about 600 years, and Anglo-Saxon kings
ruled England for about 300 years. For a long time, England wasn’t really one
country – Anglo-Saxon kings ruled lots of little kingdoms across the land.
Many towns and villages in Britain still carry their Anglo-Saxon names
today, including 'England' which comes from the Saxon word 'Angle-Land'.
The occupation of Britain by Anglo-Saxons was
1) before the Ancient Romans invaded Britain
2) after the Ancient Romans left Britain
3) 450 years ago
The Anglo-Saxons used ______ to build their houses.
1) stones from Roman houses
2) their wooden boats
3) trees that grew in Britain
The chief's house in the village had
1) small windows
2) small rooms
3) no roof
What is TRUE about the Anglo-Saxons according to the text?
1) They destroyed London.
2) They did not play musical instruments.
3) They lived in some Roman towns.
At the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon period
1) England was one strong kingdom.
2) England consisted of many small kingdoms.
3) had three hundred kings.
Категория: 6 класс | Добавил: svk
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